Myth of seahairs #2

Only hairs were present after all species were wiped out of this ecosystem. Hair cells instantly die after growing out of the follicle. After a long process of grand decay, there were only hairs left, as well as bacteria and other primitive organisms.

Soon, microorganisms ran out of nutrition, there wasn't enough food source for them to sustain their species. Thus, they had to evolve to parasitically feed off hair gatherings. As bacteria stuck to each strand, hair formed gatherings and sank under the liquid-space to form the plant roots. Parasitic behavior got seahair to grow, divide, then gather again and multiply. As the seahairs started having animate qualities, they began forming roots by sinking under, and as a result of these reactions, the rest of the hair gatherings floated on the surface, which formed their foliage. Soon the roots were drained and translucent, and as they absorbed the moonlight, they completely came to life. Now bioluminescent, they were able to feed each other by sensing each others light. During the day, their bioluminescence flickered through the clear liquids surface, sensed by every seahair strand, and helped them grow.

It's been said that; the white flower blooming annually, balances the liquid's chemistry, via a milk-like few dense drops, as the flower dies and dissolves. It might be the only thing left, as well as seahairs, which recalls mammals. 

Several people mention they have been to this place before, even more so, saying they saw this place at the moment of their birth, in the blink of an eye. However, this is impossible because the only commonality of all these births was brightly exposed hospital lighting.
