A while ago after catching a cold I immediately had to take medication and got antibiotics prescribed as usual. However somehow this much curing and caring, resulted in messing up all other bacteria and balance internally, thus also effecting my mood.

    This is not to question pharmacology and also, practically killing in order to cure makes total sense. Coming from this quite-common instance, I was drawn to thoughts on how taking care of oneself by curing, is directly achieved by killing. Originating out of the same etymological root; in a broader sense how would curing and caring relate to killing? The distinction and interdependence of these two words, got me thinking, if this kind of dynamic could be reshaped regarding the organic and the inorganic/artificial. Where do processes of the organic and the artificial intertwine, or even coinhabitate?

    Additionally, now that I mentioned 'cure', there is this new type of bacteria that is able to decompose certain kinds of plastic. This not-so-new information never seemed as an extraordinary ecological solution to me. On the contrary it sounds spooky indeed, as if this is one of the steps towards an artificial evolution which may lead to a mostly inorganic future.
